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French Language Courses

Bonjour!!!  Learn French easily in a course that suits your need!   Are You Ready?

Get Tutored in one of the Official Languages of EU by a true Polyglot!

French: Courses


 5 hours over one week

Understand the French Language, culture and greet others in French and learn to introduce oneself with emphasis on basic French speaking.


For Teens

Can understand the basics of the language and the French culture.  Can understand and use familiar and everyday expressions and very simple sentences which relate to satisfying of one’s concrete needs. Can introduce oneself and others and be able to ask and respond to basic questions and communicate in a simple manner.  All 4 skills of reading, listening, speaking and writing in French will be worked upon.

Languages help children develop reasoning skills, memory, logical and critical thinking, confidence apart from the obvious but most important communication skill.

BASIC BEGINNER FRENCH:  50 hour course -  A 1.1 level

Once every Quarter

Can understand and use familiar and everyday expressions and very simple sentences which relate to satisfying of one’s concrete needs. Can introduce oneself and others and be able to ask and respond to basic questions.  Can communicate in a simple manner if a person speaks slowly in French.  Focus will be on Reading and Speaking basic French.

BEGINNER A1 FRENCH:  100 – 120 hour course

Once every 6 months

Can understand and use familiar and everyday expressions and very simple sentences. Can introduce oneself and others and be able to ask and respond to basic questions in French.  Can communicate in a simple manner asking for directions, ordering food or drink in a restaurant, be able to procure things in a shop, if a person speaks slowly and clearly in French and is willing to help.

BEGINNER A2 FRENCH:  100 – 120 hour course

Once Every 6 months

Can understand sentences and commonly used expressions in French associated with topics related to his/her direct circumstances. Can make him/herself understood in simple, routine situations dealing with a simple and direct exchange of information on familiar and common topics. Can describe his or her background and education, immediate surroundings and other things associated with immediate needs in a simple way in French.

INTERMEDIATE B1 FRENCH:  150  hour course

Once every year

Can understand the main points when clear, standard language is used and the focus is on familiar topics associated with work, school, leisure time etc. Can deal with most situations typically encountered when travelling in French areas.  Can express him/herself simply and coherently regarding familiar topics and areas of personal interest.  Can report in French on experiences and events, describe dreams and goals as well as short statements to justify or explain his or her own views and plans.

INTERMEDIATE B2 FRENCH: 150 hour course

Once a year

Can understand the main contents of complex texts on concrete and abstract topics; also understands specialized discussions in her/her own primary area of specialization.  Can communicate spontaneously and fluently that a normal conversation with native French speakers is easily possible without a great deal of effort on either side.  Can express him/herself on a wide range of topics in a clear and detailed manner, explain his/her position on a current issue and indicate the benefits and drawbacks of various options.


Designed to meet student requirements and needs

All above courses, as per CEFRL levels of A1 to B2 can be packed at almost 20 -30 hours per week.  Courses will be conducted subject to a minimum strength of at least 5 students per super intensive course.

Interested in learning more about our courses?
Courses will be customized to suit the student whatever your age or level of learning.  We determine your needs and aims and  based on the results we design tailor-made classes to suit your requirement.

French: Testimonial

Sowmya Thiagarajan
Employee, CMA CGM-Chennai

I had studied French before in school, but never went beyond the beginner’s level.  I was quite nervous to join the class at first since I had not brushed up on my French.  However Ravi ji allowed me to learn the practical french that I had been wanting to learn.   I have progressed in my understanding of the french language.  I feel I can continue to learn French with him comfortably and I will be joining A2 French once it starts.  If anyone is interested in learning French I will always recommend that you learn here as students will get more individual attention here.

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